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OCTOBER 7th 2023

 These graphic videos and images 
document the horrors of that day.

On the morning of October 7th, 2023, over 3,000 Hamas terrorists breached Israel’s security fence and committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, including murder, rape, torture, and kidnapping.

Over 1,200 men, women, elderly people, and children were murdered in the brutal massacre which occurred on Shabbat (the Jewish day of rest) and the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah. Over 250 hostages were kidnapped from their homes in Israel to Gaza.

October 7th was the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust.

WARNING: The website contains violent content. Viewer discretion is advised.

The Nova Party Massacre

On October 7th, the Supernova Music Festival near Kibbutz Re'im in the Gaza envelope, turned into a bloodbath following Hamas' attack. As the sun rose, terrorists descended on motorized paragliders and in pick-up trucks, indiscriminately firing at the crowd of partygoers.

Roughly 360 people were murdered in this tragic scene of terror, kidnapping, rape. Below are scenes from the massacre.

Invitation to the Nova Party Festival


Young couple dances at the Nova Party before the massacre

The festival night

The festival the night before the massacre (Credit: Ido Derbi, source)

Israeli youth celebrate at the Nova Music Festival in Re'im before the massacre started

The festival the night before the massacre

The festival the night before the massacre (Credit: Ido Derbi, source)

Israeli youth celebrate a day before the Hamas massacre

Israeli youth celebrate a day before the massacre

Israeli youth celebrate a day before the massacre (Credit: Ido Derbi, source)

Raw Footage After the Massacre Began

Bodycam of a first responder arriving at the scene of the Nova Party Bar area

Israeli reservist arriving at the scene of the massacare at Nova Party. During the video he's shouting: "Is anyone alive?"

Nova partygoers murdered while others are hiding from terrorists in a shelter

Nova party attendees massacred while hiding in a bomb shelter

Bodies of civilians murdered at the Nova Party

Dozens of body bags of Israeli youth massacared by Hamas terrorist during the Nova fesitval

Israeli youth running away while terrorists shoot at them

Israeli youth running away while terrorists shoot at them

Mass Rapes

Hamas terrorists who infiltrated Israel on October 7, 2023,committed widespread sexual violence — rape and sexual mutilation against Israeli women, men, and corpses. 

Testimony of a Male Rape Victim of the October 7th Massacres

A male victim of the October 7th massacres describes the horrific gang rape he endured by Hamas militants and how they slaughtered people around him.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist admits he raped an Israeli woman in a Kibbutz

During an interrogation, a Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist admits he raped an Israeli woman in a Kibbutz after he infiltrated into Israel on October 7th, 2023. (Source: IDF)

Former Israeli hostage Amit Soussana was sexually assaulted in Gaza by her captor

Israeli lawyer Amit Soussana was kidnapped from her home on October 7th. Soussana testified in a NY Times interview that she was sexually assaulted by her captor. (Source: )

Gazan terrorist captured by Israel confess Hamas had plans to rape young Israeli women

Gazan terrorist captured by Israel confess Hamas had plans to rape young Israeli women

Families Murdered in Their Homes

More Jews were killed on October 7, 2023, than on any other single day since the Holocaust. Beginning early that morning, thousands of Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israeli communities and neighborhoods near the Gaza Strip, savagely murdering, raping, and kidnapping innocent babies, children, elderly, and entire families. Terrorists burned people and pets alive and set their homes on fire, all while taking videos to post on their social media.

Terrorists invading a home of an Israeli family, abducting people

Terrorists invading a home of an Israeli family, abducting people

A child's bedroom in Kibbutz Be'eri following the Hamas Massacre, October 7th, 2023

A child's bedroom in Kibbutz Be'eri following the Hamas Massacre, October 7th, 2023

A child's bedroom in Kibbutz Be'eri following the Hamas Massacre, October 7th, 2023

Bedroom where a toddler was brutally murdered

Bedroom where a toddler was brutally murdered

A toddler murdered by Hamas in his home at Kibbutz Kfar Aza, October 7th, 2023

Aftermath of a Hamas ambush, showing bloodied infant car seats

Aftermath of a Hamas ambush, showing bloodied infant car seats

Kutz family

Murdered in their home in Be'eri, October 7th, 2023

Kutz family

Aviv, Jonathan, Rotem, Yiftach & Livant

Siman Tov family

Murdered in their home in Nir Oz, October 7th, 2023

Siman Tov family

Yonatan, Shachar (6), Tamar, Arbel (6) & Omer (4)



More than 250 women, children, elderly people, and men were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists and taken to the Gaza Strip. 

Nova Party-goers Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Eliya Cohen, and Or Levy are kidnapped from a safety shelter near the party site, loaded by Hamas terrorists onto a truck and taken to Gaza. Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an Israeli-American, can be seen with a tourniquet, as his hand was severed during the attack.

Nova Party-goers Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Eliya Cohen, and Or Levy are kidnapped from a safety shelter near the party site, loaded by Hamas terrorists onto a truck and taken to Gaza. Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an Israeli-American, can be seen with a tourniquet, as his hand was severed during the attack. 

Female Israeli soldiers - Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniela Gilboa, and Naama Levy - violently handcuffed, kidnapped, and taken to Gaza, while being cursed at and demeaned by Hamas terrorists

Female Israeli soldiers - Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniela Gilboa, and Naama Levy - violently handcuffed, kidnapped, and taken to Gaza, while being cursed at and demeaned by Hamas terrorists

A young Israeli woman, in the midst of being abducted by Hamas terrorists, has a large blood stain on her pants, suggesting she was raped

A young Israeli woman, in the midst of being abducted by Hamas, has a large blood stain on her pants, suggesting she was raped

Israeli hostage Yarden Bibas Kidnapped and Taken to Gaza

Yarden Bibas is kidnapped by armed Palestinians and then beaten with bricks by a screaming mob while on the motorcycle. Yarden is the husband of Shir Bibas, and the father of Ariel and baby Kfir (the youngest Israeli hostage in Hamas captivity). All four are still in Hamas captivity

Terrorists Raiding the Streets

After invading Israeli cities near border with Gaza, on October 7, 2023, terrorists raided and marauded the streets of Israel, killing everything on sight.

Civilians murdered in a car and near the road

Civilians murdered in a car and near the road

Terrorists kill a civilian after dragging him out with a grenade

Terrorists kill a civilian after dragging him out with a grenade 

A corpse of a dead Israeli woman being thrown to the ground

A corpse of a dead Israeli woman being thrown to the ground

A man dragged out of a car and killed

A man dragged out of a car and killed

Rockets Striking Civilian Areas


Since October 7, 2023, Hamas and other terrorist groups have launched over 19,000 rockets and missiles into Israel, hitting neighborhoods, hospitals, and other heavily populated civilian areas across the country.

Aftermath of rockets exploding in a residential area

Ashdod, October 10th, 2023

Image of Hamas rocket damage to an Israeli hospital 1

Hamas rocket damage to an Israeli hospital 1

Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon, October 8th, 2023

Image of Hamas rocket damage to an Israeli hospital 2

Hamas rocket damage to an Israeli hospital 2

Barzilai Medical Center, Ashkelon, October 8th, 2023

The videos and pictures on this website are raw and unedited, except for a few interrogation videos of captured Hamas militants. Many of the clips were uploaded by Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists themselves on October 7th.


If you have other raw video footage from October 7th that is missing from the site, please submit it to the website using the button on the lower right-hand side. These videos and testimonies help to ensure that the crimes against humanity committed by Hamas on October 7th are never forgotten.

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