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Murdered in Their Homes

More Jews were killed on October 7th, 2023, than on any other single day since the Holocaust. Beginning early that morning, thousands of Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israeli communities and neighborhoods near the Gaza Strip, savagely murdering, raping, and kidnapping innocent babies, children, elderly, and entire families. Parents witnessed the murder of their children, while children witnessed the murder of their parents. In some cases, children who witnessed their parents’ murders were also violently kidnapped to Gaza.

Terrorists burned people and pets alive, looted homes, set homes and neighborhoods on fire, kidnapped civilians and civilian bodies, and carried out other crimes against humanity all while taking videos and posting them on social media and other communication platforms. One of the Hamas terrorists even called his parents from one of the victim’s phones to proudly tell them that he butchered 10 Jews, including the woman whose phone he took and her husband.

Hamas terrorists raided civilian homes and carried out war crimes and crimes against humanity in the following cities, towns, and rural communities: Alumim, Be’eri, Ein HaShlosha, Holit, Kfar Azza, Magen, Nahal Oz, Netiv HaAsara, Nir Am, Nir Oz, Ofakim, Sderot, Sufa, Yachini, and Zikim.

The October 7th Massacre took place on Shabbat, the national day of rest in Israel, and the holiday of Simchat Torah, so many civilians were at home with or visiting their immediate and extended families.
Some of the Kibbutzim closest to Gaza were especially devastated by the attacks. For example, in Kibbutz Nir Oz, where over 150 Hamas terrorists carried out the massacres, almost half of the residents were either murdered, kidnapped, injured, or had their houses burned to the ground.

The Kedem-Siman Tov family, a young Israeli family of three adults and three children under the age of seven, were murdered by Hamas terrorists while in the safe room of their home in Nir Oz.

The Bibas family, including the youngest hostage, baby Kfir Bibas, were kidnapped from their home in Nir Oz by Hamas terrorists on the morning of October 7th and taken to Gaza.

A woman murdered in her own bed

A woman murdered in her own bed

A man murdered in his bedroom

A man murdered in his bedroom

Terrorists murdering an elderly person in their home

Terrorist standing on a murdered woman's face

Burned body of a woman with bound hands

Burned body of a woman with bound hands

Burned remains of civilians in a dumpster

Burned remains of civilians in a dumpster

A child's bedroom in Kibbutz Be'eri following the Hamas Massacre, October 7th, 2023

A child's bedroom in Kibbutz Be'eri following the Hamas Massacre, October 7th, 2023

Floor covered in blood

Floor covered in blood

Bullets strewn along the floor in a home

Bullets strewn along the floor in a home

Terrorists burning homes on a kibbutz

Terrorists pillaging someone's home

Murdering civilians in the street and in their homes

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