Terroristas invaden las calles
On the morning of October 7th, terrorists raided the streets of cities, towns, and rural communities in southern Israel, shooting at civilians and civilian targets who came in their way. Terrified Israelis hiding in their homes in Ashkelon, Sderot, and Ofakim filmed footage of Hamas terrorists driving and parading down the roads with guns and RPGs, while screaming “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the greatest).
Road 232 in southern Israel, was one of the routes most affected by the terrorist attacks on that day, as terrorists drove by, shooting at and killing civilians on the roads and in safety shelters, and at intersections on their way to carry out more killings and kidnappings in the rural communities close to Gaza.
The Hamas terrorists shot anyone they saw - elderly women and men, fathers and mothers with their children, teenagers walking on the streets. They did not care if their victims were Jews, Muslims or Christians, as they executed and kidnapped innocent civilians. It took hours upon hours for Israeli forces to clear the streets of Hamas terrorists who hid after they raided the streets and killed civilians.
Cadáveres espalhados por uma rodovia
Mulher israelense morta por terroristas do Hamas em uma caminhonete Toyota branca
Joshua Mollel, um estudante de 21 anos da Tanzânia, morto por terroristas do Hamas
Um civil israelense foge por trás de um terrorista do Hamas
Um israelense em um carro enfrenta muitos terroristas invasores do Hamas
Imágenes de una cãmara muestran a un hombre conduciendo su auto, siendo emboscado por terroristas y asesinado
Un baño público lleno de jóvenes israelíes muertos
Un terrorista alaba a Alá mientras mira los cuerpos de israelíes, algunos de los cuales están en llamas
Un terrorista sale de su coche y comienza a disparar contra la gente en una estación de autobuses
Terroristas ejecutan personas en las calles
Un terrorista dispara un RPG contra un auto que se acerca